How do i find suppliers of what i need?

Simply go to the list of categories and click to the category of the product you are interested in. Once you click on the category, you will get a display of a list of sub categories. Choose the product of your choice and you will get a list of suppliers of that product. Choose the supplier of your choice and you will get the display of their products to choose from.

You can also type the name of the product of your choice in the box shown as “Please input a keyword” and click “Submit”. You will get the list of suppliers of that product.

Should you find difficulty in this. Please contact us

How do i know genuine suppliers? offers verification services to suppliers. Verification of suppliers means we have verified such suppliers and confirmed that they are genuine businesses with physical presence offering actual products or services in their country of operation. You can identify our verified members with our mark ** against the supplier name.
We will however blacklist any supplier that we may have evidence of irregularity in terms of doing business

When you identify the product you need and supplier, click on the “contact supplier” icon. You will get an enquiry box where you can put your enquiry and E-mail it to the supplier. You can also contact the supplier by telephone provided on the enquiry box.

How do I place an order

You place your order directly to the supplier once you have agreed with the supplier and you are satisfied on the product offered. It is important to ensure that you describe your product correctly to avoid getting the wrong product.

Is involved in the business transaction? is not involved in the business transaction. Once you contact the supplier, you will deal directly with the supplier in terms of procuring the goods or services and make payment direct to the supplier.

Should we in future offer such service, we will communicate and bring awareness to all suppliers and customers

How to avoid getting sub standard goods
How do I pay the supplier